Meet Taylor Tripodi. Someone liked her Facebook page the other night and it showed up in my news feed so I checked it out. And I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Taylor is a talented singer from Cleveland, OH and a current student at Franciscan University in Steubenville, OH who just started a Kickstarter campaign to produce her debut EP titled “Be Glorified”. She has a modest goal of $5,000 by March 12th and is nearly halfway there as of the time of this post. Check out her Kickstarter campaign and website at taylortripodi.com and if you can, please support her campaign. If she’s successful we hope to debut her music on the show!
Here’s a quote from her website:
The Lord has revealed to me in so many ways His unconditional love through all of my failings and beautiful life experiences. THAT is what I love to write about. I love to write about Him. He has always been there for me at every moment, even when I have turned away from Him. I have realized that to me, truly He is the only one worth writing and singing about. He deserves more than any song I could ever write for Him or about Him, but if I can give Him any praise and show people through my music the one who loves them more than anything else and lead them into a deeper relationship with Him, than I will have fulfilled all my dreams that I have for my music.
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