Sharing the joy of the Gospel through the power of music – that’s what we do here on the Catholic Playlist show – a showcase of the best and very newest contemporary Christian music from Catholic artists only.
This week the music you’ll be hearing is from female artists only — it’s our first ever ‘Ladies Only’ playlist! This ought to be a lot of fun don’t you think? You know, a few years ago we might have had a bit of difficulty coming up with enough female only artists to fill the show without playing someone twice, but that’s not the case any more. In fact, we had to leave many female artists off the list, like Stefania Elsmore, Rebecca Roubion, Teresa Peterson, Sarah Kroger Quaglia, Jackie Francois Angel, Jackie Bissin, and others. I’ll have to make it up to them in a future playlist! But you will hear from Alanna Bourdreau, Sarah Hart, Marie Miller, Dana Catherine, Alverlis and so many more.
Check it out and share!
Song List
Alanna Boudreau – “Champion” iTunes
Jaime Thietten – “Surrendering” Amazon iTunes
Taylor Tripodi – “Here I Am” Amazon iTunes
Sarah Hart – “Joy in These Bones” Amazon iTunes
Tori Harris – “King of Kings” Amazon iTunes
Alverlis – “Love Changes Everthing” Amazon iTunes
Dana Catherine – “My Savior In Me” Amazon iTunes
Katy Blythe – “New & Free (feat. Connor Flanagan)” Amazon iTunes
His Own – “Nothing Can Separate Us” Amazon iTunes
Aly Aleigha – “Race Along (feat. Justin Kostecka)” Amazon iTunes
Marie Miller – “This Side of Paradise” Amazon iTunes
Danielle Noonan – “Undone” Amazon iTunes
Rita West – “Victor” Amazon iTunes
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